at the 1st, i just come home with a happy mood..
laughing with my family..
happy for text with my bucuk, Cornelius..
happy with all the things..
bucuk suruh ku on9 with him..
then, ku pun mbik la my luvly lappy ya..
and start to on9..
on fb and skype..
then, when i'm on my fb..
hajat ku tek just mauk lawat2 la fb bucuk..
but, there's got something yg mengusik kalbu ku..
mpuan yg bernama 'L***A'...
pa gik ntah nama nya.. Lantak la kwu cya!
idk why ku suddenly jak sakit ati ngan suma tok..
so, i just asked with bucuk about her..
sapa nya sebena nya..
then, i just got a answer that girl was his senior..
pa yg ku tauk, nya skol kat secondary skol..
yg penghuni nya suma laki..
i'm shocked with this things..
really2 shocked!!
and ngan slumber nya pdh tek..
yg nya da pdh ngan aku sal tok before..
but, what i know is he never told me about this..
or else, i'm forgot ?!
ntah la, i also don't know what to say..
but, i'm still thinking about this..
ntah la, ku kdirik pun binggung!
sik tauk ku eh!
sik lamaq ya, da kira okey ckit ku tok tek..
sddnly la mummy getting mad with me ..
just because i'm sik lipat baju..
it's a small matter only..
da gik moody about him + her!
then, mummy lagi getting mad!
S**T la!
sakit ati ku eyh!
pa ka..
tpi, sometimes i'm thinking..
why i have to sad..
crying n worried about bnda2 remeh kdk tok?
knk eyh? it'z weird..
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