On 21st and 22nd, my friends n I went to RTM Seremban
4 'Bila Syawal Berseru' shooting..
at the first, they said that they will provides us a foods
4 breakfast n lunch..
but, when we arrived there, they said that they didnt
have enough budget 4 porvides us foods..
all of us a lil bit feel upset..
coz all of us was so hungry on that time..
so, we just ignore all this things n we've to makeup
n everyhtings that we not yet done..
if not mistaken, at 1030am we're start to shoot already..
on the 1st day of shooting, they got Anding, Angelina Tan, Zehra Zamri,
Izwan Pilus n Samsudin Lamit 4 guests..
4 main actor are Darling, Khatijah Tan n idk wat'z the PakCik name..
sory liao..
Anding was so handsome on that time.. =)
but, i didnt take photo with him..
sik sempat..

4 'Bila Syawal Berseru' shooting..
at the first, they said that they will provides us a foods
4 breakfast n lunch..
but, when we arrived there, they said that they didnt
have enough budget 4 porvides us foods..
all of us a lil bit feel upset..
coz all of us was so hungry on that time..
so, we just ignore all this things n we've to makeup
n everyhtings that we not yet done..
if not mistaken, at 1030am we're start to shoot already..
on the 1st day of shooting, they got Anding, Angelina Tan, Zehra Zamri,
Izwan Pilus n Samsudin Lamit 4 guests..
4 main actor are Darling, Khatijah Tan n idk wat'z the PakCik name..
sory liao..
Anding was so handsome on that time.. =)
but, i didnt take photo with him..
sik sempat..
( Pak Cik that i didnt remember his name...)
we just dance a three dance only 4 the 1st day..
Selamat Hari Raya, Bongai n Zapin..
we've so much fun, but, tired liao lorh.. huhuhuh!
at last, we getting tired.
extremely tired than b4..
just because they didnt provide us foods, so, we just finished all the foods that
they use 4 shooting.. wakaka.. seem so funny lorh..
there got Rendang, Lemang, Nasi Impit n so much more..
it's fun things lorh..